Thursday, July 21, 2011


We have been officially in Pearland for a few weeks now.  Boxes keep disappearing and the house is looking more and more lived in.  The move went relatively well and once I have internet full time in the house I will catch up on the last few weeks of life.

You read that correctly...still no internet.  AT&T is on my bad list right now.  I don't feel completely out of the loop - I've been connected as much as an iPhone can keep you connected.  However, I did take a look at my Reader when I dropped my mom off from being out and about the other day and it proudly boasted 1000+ unread items!  Where do you even start?!  And there are so many things on my list of things to blog about...

Hopefully you have not given up hope on us and I will be back with exciting adventures to report on!

1 comment :

  1. Glad you liked the Dream Home post Sara! Sounds like your move went well.


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