Friday, December 30, 2011

Book Countdown Complete!

I did it!  I completed my goal of reading 24 books in the Year 2011!  For a little bit there I was beginning to doubt that I would successfully complete the task I had laid out before myself... but alas, when the last page of the book was digested, I celebrated with a hoppy, skippy dance!

The last four books I read are as follows:
Lisey's Story was my first Stephen King novel and I was pleasantly surprised.  At first it was a bit tricky following the writing style but once I caught on, it was an interesting read with twists and turns that stretches the imagination!

Now, some may say that reading the Wayside Series is cheating, however I disagree... I distinctly remember reading these books when I was younger.  Adored them then, adore them now.  I mean, who doesn't love the wacky going-ons on the 30th floor?  Pig-tails, gravity, apples, stolen voices to name a few!  Benjamin gifted them to me over a year ago and I simply had not taken the time to read time since owning them.  

Looking back over this year's list of books, I'm quite satisfied with the array of styles, authors, and genres.  The only book I gave up on was Jane Eyre.  I haven't committed to giving her another try...just might have to watch the movie on that one!  My Reading Wish List for 2012 is shaping up quite nicely with seven books already on the list:

Have you started your reading list yet?  What is on it?

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  1. I totally remember the Wayside books! I loved those!

    For your 2012 books, I've read "Bossy Pants," "Unbroken," and "Sarah's Key." All three are good! I listened to "Bossy Pants" with Tina Fey reading... I'd suggest that if you have a commute to work or a car trip! She was funny to listen to!

  2. I'm sad that you ended up giving up on Jane Eyre - it's one of my favorites.

    I haven't committed to reading any certain number of books - just to read more for pleasure. I'm currently reading One Thousand Gifts and Kisses From Katie. Not necessarily light reading but still really good.

  3. I love your book countdowns. As a teacher it absolutely makes me want to get into finding some of my own free reading time. Great job and for this next year I too will be looking for some great options.

  4. I loved the Wayside books! I'm interested to see what you think of "Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me". I debated putting it on my list!


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