Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Give-a-way on Sadie + Stella

I don't know about you, but I always get a jolly out of the chance to win cute, funky accents for my home.  And that is exactly what is going down today over at Sadie + Stella!

Let's pause and take a moment to look at how cute the logo is!

Back to the give-a-way:  You get a chance to enter to win a fabulous Jonathan Adler vase that is called boy/girl and is absolutely precious PLUS a sweet elephant pillow!  It's quite simple to enter and I think that you should take a moment or two to do so.  Just click the link below and start entering for your chance at becoming a winner!

I promise not to be bitter if you, friend, happen to win over me because of the sweet tip that I have provided you with this morning.  You're welcome.

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