Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Patient Appreciation Day 2014

For the 8th summer in a row, Todd Hughes Orthodontics hosted their Patient Appreciation Day at Tinseltown theater.  Renting out one of the larger theaters, the staff was joined by almost 400 patients {and parents} for a morning viewing of How To Train Your Dragon 2.  

We took Winston along with us for his first movie theater experience.  Armed with a squeezie and popcorn, little buddy settled into his seat and did a fantastic job of watching the movie!  
He did really well for his first time.  We exited the theater about 30 minutes before the movie was over so that he could run up and down the halls while munching on some goldfish.  

It was a pleasure to be a part of the morning, helping hand out tickets and bags to the patients as a thank you for choosing Todd Hughes Orthodontics as a place to receive their care.  The staff are amazing, caring and passionate always enjoying each other and their patients.
Benjamin and I couldn't be more pleased that these are the fine folks {and some of their kiddos} who he gets to works with day in and day out.  There is not a day that goes by that we aren't thankful to be a part of this family.  
 They have embraced all three of us with open arms!
A huge thanks to everyone who came to participate in Patient Appreciation Day 2014!  We look forward to seeing you there next year! 

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