Wednesday, January 27, 2016

What's Up Wednesday: January Edition

Today I am joining Shay, Shaeffer and Mel for What's up Wednesday!  Every month on the last Wednesday I'm going to be answering the following prompts!
What We're Eating This Week
This week we are chowing down on some goodies: Shake and Bake pork chops and Spaghetti Squares {a family favorite!}.  

What I'm Reminiscing About
Benjamin retrieved the first two bins of baby clothes from storage a few weeks ago and I've started going through them and sorting what I think might work for Truman.  Seeing all of the adorable tiny clothes has been reminiscing about some of my favorite outfits that Winston wore when he was first new.  

This one with the turtle is one of my ultimate faves for a few reasons:  1. When Winston was slow in making his debut into the world we started saying he was like a turtle, slow and steady he would make his appearance at his own perfect time.  2.  They kept saying how huge WAC was going to be so I purchased like zero newborn clothes.  Then he arrived and was smaller than 0-3 month clothes!  So of course that put this first time mama into a tizzy and we hit up any kids clothing store that had tiny outfits.  This one was discovered and came home with us for reason one.  
Needless to say, this little outfit is being tucked away in a box that will remain just Winston's things.

For mamas with multiple kiddos of the same gender, did you find yourself reserving certain outfits for just the first one that wore them for sentimental reasons?  

What I'm Loving
Chocolate gummy bears + chocolate covered sunflower seeds from Lolli & Pops have been my jam of late.  Benjamin got me a jar from there for Christmas with 52 refills and so far every visit I have filled the jar to the brim with mostly these two delicious morsels!

What We've Been Up To
Benjamin and I have been in the groove of cleaning out this month.  We both have the "we might need this someday" disease on different things.  With the pending arrival of Truman we've had to clean out our extra room and rearrange another to make room.  This then spurred on the clean out!  Every week this month I have made a stop at our local Goodwill drop off center and am on a first name basis with the workers there!  
We have also been in the "get it done before Truman arrives" mode as far as getting a few projects around the house wrapped up.  We've spiffed up our dresser with new knobs, ordered curtains for our room, ordered new bar stools, changed every lightbulb in the house to a brighter white {I can see!!!}... you know... just little things like that.  
We have also been trying to make the most of every weekend we have together with Winston.  So that means like last weekend we went to BrickFest and Monster Jam!

What I'm Dreading
The switch to weekly appointments starting the first week of February!  Although I am thankful for the great medical care I receive and have a great relationship with my doctor those weekly appointments are the true sign that the end is nearing!

What I'm Working On
My post for the Kids Behind the Blog link up!  I am excited to see how Winston answers these questions!  I am certain that as we have two little people toddling around I'm going to want to remember more and more who said what!  
We are also working on finishing up Truman's nursery!

What I'm Excited About
Besides being excited about welcoming Truman into our world, I am excited to see Winston be a big brother.  He loves little kiddos {and big kiddos too!}.  I know that we will have some challenging days ahead, but I am thankful and excited about our new family picture!   

What I'm Watching/Reading
I have been watching Friends on Netflix lately and enjoying seeing the clothing styles change throughout the seasons!  I also spied my first laptop computer making an appearance in one of the episodes!  Yup, that's right, I had an iMac clam shell!  In orange!

I've also been reading The Best Yes and find myself highlighting huge chunks of sections at a time!  :) One of my favorite authors, Rachel Hollis just announced the release of her newest book, Smart Girl, so that's getting downloaded tonight!   

What I'm Listening To
I put my Gungor CD into Kermit about two weeks ago and Winston instantly loved Brother Moon, or as he says, "the number two song!"  As soon as we get settled into the car he is asking for it from the backseat.  I love hearing his sweet little voice singing praises to God!  Melts me!

What I'm Wearing
Maternity clothes from Pink Blush Maternity, GAP and H&M have been my jam as of late.  

What I'm Doing This Weekend
This weekend we are soaking up family time once again.  We will have donuts, Lulu will get a heat treatment, we will have a bright yellow laundry room by the end of Saturday and things actually hung on the wall in our bedroom!  {And the people rejoiced!}  If the weather permits, we may even try out our Church on Sunday and gearing up for another week.

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month
Truman's Arrival!  I haven't "seen" little baby since his 20 week appointment.  I am excited to meet him!

What Else is New
Winston's love for using the selfie stick on his own is comical and endearing!  He totally gets a kick out of making faces and pushing the button to take pictures!  We may have created a selfie stick monster!

What's Your Favorite Valentine's Day Treat
I'm not sure that I have a favorite Valentine's Day treat.  I mean, I do enjoy conversation candy hearts with the best of them and for some reason chocolate turtles come to mind.  And now that I'm pondering this, I think I might make some mini-cheesecakes to celebrate the day!  If it's non-edible we're talking about, I'm always a sucker for fresh flowers!  

What are you looking most forward to next month?  I'd love to know!!

1 comment :

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