Thursday, March 31, 2016

Thirty Three

Today I am thirty-three!

I have lived 33 wonderful years on this earth.  I am one of those people who has yet to dread a birthday.  Every year brings another batch of lessons to learn and experiences to be had.  Each year is unique and marked by milestones different from the next!

In my 33 years I have...

been raised by two of the best people in my world.
been a big sister for 29 years.
lived in 3 states and 2 countries with 14 houses or apartments between them.
graduated college with degrees in economics and business admin.
been married for over 8 years to my Benjamin.
have two bouncing boys + a Lulu.
traveled extensively.
worked for five different employers.
owned a pet photography business.

Now, here are thirty three facts about me!

1.  I accepted the free gift of Salvation when I was four years old.  This decision to believe in Jesus has molded and shaped me and my world view.
2.  In college, I worked at Swatch and have more watches than one person should be allowed to have.  
3.  My hair has been brown, black, copper, red, orange, blue, purple, and pink.
4.  My favorite Bible verses are Jeremiah 29:11-13.
5.  I lived in Scotland in elementary and again after college.  It's my favorite place to travel to.
6.  I can Highland dance.
7.  I name all of my cars.  They have been: Mean Green, Big Red, Harvey the Honda, Silvy the Silverfish, Blue Barry, Chuck the Truck and Kermit.
8.  I have been skydiving.
9.  I have a love of shoes, purses, jewelry, glasses...basically anything that is an accessory!
10.  My favorite color is orange.  No, yellow.  No... wait.
11.  I graduated high school a year early.  My main motivation... so that I didn't have to take Physics!
12.  I played Alice in my high school's production of Alice in Wonderland.
13.  I love to read!
14.  If I am focused on a task and you talk to me, I will more than likely not hear you.  I'm not ignoring you, I'm just in the zone!
15.  I have had three tickets.
16.  I've stood on a glacier in Iceland.
17.  My favorite food is probably Mexican food since I could eat it every night!
18.  I make up songs constantly.  About anything and everything!  Life was designed to have a tune!
19.  Which takes me to my love of music!  I will listen to just about anything except for heavy rap and country music.
20.  I am a homebody.
21.  I have my concealed carry permit.
22.  I love color!
23.  I am tattoo free.
24.  I have been kayaking in the ocean once.  It was my first and last time! {Note: Benjamin lost his wedding ring on this excursion!}
25.  I appreciate modern art.  My favorite art museum is The Tate in London.
26.  My middle name is Elisabeth.
27.  I want to raise my kiddos to be humans who love the Lord and look back on their childhood with memories of fun knowing that we loved the mess out of them.  It's how I was raised and I turned out okay...well, maybe.  :)
28.  I am an introvert with extrovert tendencies.
29.  I enjoy taking photos and documenting every big and small occasion.
30.  I rode in an elevator with Issac Hayes, Eric Clapton and Jerry Jones.  Not all at the same time.  :)
31.  I owned an original clam shell Mac book.  Bright orange!
32.  My career as a softball player lasted all of one practice.  Athletics is not my strong suit.  :)
33.  I am named after the song "Sara" by Fleetwood Mac.
So here's to another year of living life in this crazy world.  I am thankful for every thing and every day I have!


  1. Happy birthday!! I think 33 is going to be the best year yet. Love how you described your life so far. Have an excellent day.

    1. Just saw you IG stuff and love the idea! So creative. You've named 7 cars. Kermit is my favorite. My share: my favorite thing to do every day is snuggling on the couch with my babes when they wake up. It's the absolute best.

  2. Happy 33rd Birthday, Sara!!! Have a wonderful day!

  3. Happy birthday my sweet friend! I love that you embrace birthdays rather than dreading them!! I need to take a lesson from you. You have accomplished so much in your 33 years. I loved getting to learn more about you. And I admire your adventure when it comes to hair color. I don’t think there’s one color that would look bad on you, my gorgeous friend. I share that love for accessories, and I have my concealed handgun license, too. And all the praise hands to number 27!!! I hope you have the best day. This was an awesome post!!

  4. Happy birthday!! I think I might be named after that song too! ;) Love this post!


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