Wednesday, April 27, 2016

What's Up Wednesday: April Edition

What We're Easting This Week
This week we are eating things like Crust take out, Italian chicken, Fish sticks + mac and cheese!

What I'm Reminiscing About
We took the boys to a little circus that came to town.  Benjamin and I had seen this circus when we lived in Allen!  This time however, Winston and I had the opportunity to ride Tracy the Elephant!  I remember riding an elephant with my mom when I was little and it has always been on of my favorite things.  I was so pumped to be able to share this fun experience with Winston!

What I'm Loving
Now with two little humans to take along grocery shopping, I was highly intrigued when I came across Baby Binxy on Instagram.  I visited their website and purchased the Raindrops in Blue and stalked my mailbox for it's arrival.  Arriving just a few days later, I was pumped to go on a Target run, try out the hammock and see how Truman liked it.  Happily, not only did he look like a comfy muffin, Winston also loved having Truman so close behind him!
I was wildly impressed with how many groceries I could still fit in the cart {and the bags after!}.  The Baby Binxy has made grocery shopping fun and easy!  If you'd like to buy one for yourself or as a gift, click here to get a 10% discount!

What We've Been Up To
We have all been fighting the crud {except for Truman, he has remained healthy!  Thank you Jesus!}.  Our days have been full of jammies, snuggles and every once in a while we venture out into public!

What I'm Dreading
....I'm not sure that I have anything that I need to be dreading...

What I'm Working On
I'm currently brainstorming my Summer Bucket List!  I'm part of a new link up that launched this month and next month's topic is What's On Your... Summer Bucket List.

This is our list from last summer!  Do you have any suggestions?  We'd love for you to join in with us!

What I'm Excited About
I can hardly believe that summer is around the corner, but I am pretty excited about getting to spend the days with both of the boys!  We have a few fun things on the calendar and lots of days that I intend to fill with playing in the new pool!

What I'm Watching/Reading
Benjamin and I have been watching....
Season 2!!

I've also been reading Wild and Free.  You can still get it on pre-order through Amazon and I highly encourage you to do it!

What I'm Listening To
In the evenings we turn on some jamming tunes while I'm making dinner and have dance sessions!  Our house is wired for surround sound and we have a Sonos.  I wasn't sure how I'd like it - but I absolutely love it!

What I'm Wearing
My very last set of contacts ripped in half when we were in Chicago!  And because I needed an updated prescription for some new frames we had purchased, I went to the eye doctor for a check up. And got some contacts!
Have no fear, the glasses will still be around but it's nice to have "just eyes" as Winston says!

What I'm Doing This Weekend
Spending time with my boys at The Most Magical Place on Earth!

What I'm Looking Forward To Next Month
Next month is Mother's Day and I am looking forward to celebrating it as a mother of these two sweet cherubs...
Who doesn't love kiddos who nap?  I think they look alike in these photos!  :)  

What Else is New
This little guy turned two months and clocked in at 24" long, weighing 14.2 pounds!  He is a happy, tiny human.  He coos and giggles much to the delight of everyone in the house!

1 comment :

  1. Yay for Mother's Day with two!! It'll be great! I love the sling that you have for the shopping cart. That's awesome!! I wish I'd had one of those. Looks so comfy. :)


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