Friday, January 29, 2016

Five Things on Friday: 1.29.16

one || recap of Monster Jam
We had such a blast at Monster Jam this year!  Winston has been imagining and playing monster trucks at every chance that he gets these days.  We have been building ramps and bridges to knock down.  I love being a part of his world and imagining fun things with him!

two || finding this little gem
I participated in What's Up Wednesday this week and I think this monthly post will become one of my favorites to do.  One of the prompts is reminiscing and led me to find this happy little gem of Winston from when he was brand new!

three || nap time with lulu
I have been carpe diem-ing the day and taking time to rest with my legs propped up giving Lulu the perfect opportunity to snuggle up against me.  She did this same thing when I was pregnant with Winston and she loves him to pieces.  I am hoping that her love for Truman runs just as deep!  

four || lunch date 
We met up for lunch with my dear friend Ellen and her sweet newbie Nolan.  It was so good to catch up on how she was adjusting to motherhood and to meet her little joy!  Winston was smitten with Nolan.  He has a heart for little ones and speaks so sweetly to them.  Seeing him with Nolan readied my heart for how awesome of a big brother he is going to be! 

five ||  comfy clothes
The closer I get to my due date, the more I find myself wanting to have nothing but comfy clothes.  Oversized everything: dresses, shirts, joggers! What are some of your favorite comfy clothes brands?

winton's favorite thing this week: using the selfie stick
This kiddo is hilarious when it comes to pictures these days.  He wanted to wear his Monster Jam shirt to school this week and so I let him.  I mentioned that I wanted to get a picture of him in it and this is what he said:
"I can use the stick, Mommy and push the button all by myself.  You don't need in it Mommy, just me. I can do it!"
And so he did!  He gets such a kick out of seeing himself in the screen of the phone and pushing the button over and over and over and over again!  They turn out quite cute and it makes me giggle at how much he loves to take pictures!
We have a weekend of house work planned: painters coming, finished up Truman's room, hanging curtains and hopefully {if this strange spring weather keeps up} doing some fun things outside!  Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!

Linking up today with 5 on Friday: April | Oh Hey, Friday: September Farm + The Farmer's Wife | Friday Favorites: AndreaErika and Narci


  1. What a fun week! Those pictures with the selfie stick are too cute!

  2. Your little guy is adorable. We are going to Monster Jam in St. Louis on February 20th. Looking forward to it!

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